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Showing posts from May 20, 2012

The Disintegration of Christianity

The disintegration of the Christian faith saddens me. Where is it going today?  It is lost in some need to relate to the culture at hand.  It is beset with shallow ideas of celebrity status and wealth, of a theology so flimsy it barely supports a life much less a nation. Someone posted on Facebook the other day a video of a bumbling, vulgar, oahfish Baptist preacher from North Carolina saying from his ornate pulpit that he’d had a vision of what to do with all of the “lesbians, the homosexuals and queers.” He said to put them all in an electric fenced in area, drop food in there, and then let them die off. Listening to his obscene rant, all in the name of God, made me think of a book my friend Danny Redding suggested to me, Charles Kimball’s “When Religion Becomes Evil.” For a minister, like the North Carolina man, to say such things from a Christian pulpit is evil.  Plain and simple.  It is an inexcusable evil. Dallas minister Ed Young ...