Body Image and Self-Respect Learn a fascinating, new way of approaching food and find a healthy balance in mindful eating. By: Pamela Milam I recently read a book called Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight by nutrition professor and researcher Linda Bacon . Before reading it, I looked at the website and thought I knew what to expect. I assumed the book would remind me to love myself, to put less emphasis on physical beauty and to focus instead on healthy living. I was partly right, but ultimately I was surprised and impressed by how much more the book taught me. Think about the concept of Alliesthesia. Alliesthesia refers to the idea that a body’s inner state determines whether an external experience is pleasurable. One example is that it feels better to get into a hot tub when your body feels cold. If you’re a menopausal woman in the middle of a hot flash, the last thing you want to do is step into a hot tub. In regard to food...
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