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Showing posts from July 31, 2016

In Memoriam

I lost a friend last week. Her name was Angi Jenkins. Only 46 years old, her life ended after a lifetime of battling cystic fibrosis. I knew Angi during my years in Hamilton, Texas. She moved to Dallas not long before I did. We reconnected here and then we became Facebook friends. She was often in and out the hospital dealing with serious health issues related to the CF. I dropped in on her unexpectedly one afternoon when she was having to stay at Baylor Hospital for several days. She apologized for not looking her best, but anyone who knew Angi knew it was impossible for her not to look her best. She had a luminous smile, a glowing spirit, and a bighearted presence that simply chased away any of the dark clouds that surrounded her illness. She dealt with her situation with gifted humor, beautiful poise, amazing courage, incredible love and faith. In these past days Saint Paul’s comment in his letter to the Philippians comes to mind: “I thank God every time I think of you....

Beware of the Psychological Games of HRC

There is no disputing that Donald Trump is a skilled manipulator. But I realize now he pales in comparison to the crass manipulation created by the Hillary Clinton campaign and those who put together the Democratic Convention last week in Philadelphia. They went over the top in trying to pull every imaginable emotion out of delegates and viewers. From using disabled individuals giving the Pledge of Allegiance, singing the National Anthem , and speaking in support of HRC, to the Muslim parents of the US soldier who was killed in Afghanistan, it was a carefully scripted attempt at psychological mind play. The Khan family, whose son was killed 12 years ago in Afghanistan, was brought on stage to simply insult Trump and to get people angry and to move them emotionally in sorrow over the tragic loss of their son. It worked. Most people remain outraged over Donald Trump’s response but very few seem to notice how manipulative this stunt was by the Clinton campaign. The Khans themselv...