In his insightful book, now a classic, “Jesus and the Disinherited,” Howard Thurman states that during the time of war “hate becomes respectable and masquerades under the guise of patriotism.” He said after Pearl Harbor, Americans found it easy to hate the Japanese. And we did terrible things in this country to innocent Japanese families who were American citizens when World War II started. The same thing happened even more dramatically after 911. Something in the American spirit died or certainly withered after that cataclysmic event. We found it easy to hate Arabs, Muslims, anyone who remotely reminded us of the terrorists. But what Thurman says in his book that is so interesting is that hate for one group of people does not end there. We often find after hating one group that we easily begin hating anyone we dislike. Hate has a way of spreading its venom. Once embraced within us we comfortably release it out of us into all kinds of relationships, people, and associations wi...