In the French film, “The Innocents,” based on a true story (subtitles required), a convent of Catholic nuns, helpful to the poor and wounded, has survived post war Poland. But not without tragic consequences. As the war was ending Russian soldiers entered the convent and for days brutally raped the nuns both young and old. (This is not seen but recounted) Several of the nuns became pregnant and they were left with unbearable decisions. The events had to be kept secret or else the nuns would be banned from the Church and the convent closed. When the first victim went into labor, a young Red Cross physician, Mathilde, is secretly brought to the convent. She is shocked by what she is told happened. And after delivering the first child she says she cannot return. She has orders to treat wounded soldiers in a nearby camp. The convent, she says, will have to bring in a team of doctors. She is told that was impossible. And so, overcome by the nun’s...
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