There is a great line in the movie “Levity” where Morgan Freeman, a wildly free-spirited and wounded preacher named Miles Evans, says to Manuel Jordan, a broken man recently out of prison and played by Billy Bob Thornton: “You think God talks to me? We argue maybe, but He don’t participate. It’s all right. I’ll see Him one day. When I do, I’m gonna whip His holy ass.” I have never forgotten those words. So honest and human. So full of the courage of a man who takes God seriously. Today, God isn’t taken seriously. Not really. God is used. God is toyed with. God is disgraced by the worst kind of cowardice. God is betrayed by sanctimonious windbags who brag on themselves and pretend the praise is coming from God. Religious people can be some of the most annoying people in the world. They are often full of crap. They talk big but then act petty and small. They quote scriptures not as guid...
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