America, whatever our crimes have been, your justice has made attempts to make it right. Whatever wrong paths we have taken as a nation, you have always tried to get us back on track. Whatever misguided, immoral, and cruel acts we have committed, you have sought to have us correct our wrongs and provide a more superior kind of behavior. I remember your goodness. America, when other countries have needed our military to help defend against tyranny, oppression, and the evil of ruthless dictators, you sent our troops, not to indiscriminately kill civilians, children, or the old, but to break the spirit of the enemy into surrender. You never advocated actions that betrayed the meaning of our flag or violated the value of our Constitution. I remember your goodness. America, you intended our political system to be one of honor, a process that operated in the advancement and respect of our freedom, that held our public officials accountable to high standards of conduct, that...
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