Fear is a paralyzing, crippling emotion. It takes all of the joy of spontaneous living out of us. It keeps us off the paths of adventure and exploration. It turns us sour on life and people. It makes cowards of us. I was a very fearful boy. I was afraid of the water and didn’t learn to swim until I took a beginning swim class in college. I was determined to conquer that fear that had kept me out of so many fun and happy moments growing up. And in spite of the embarrassment and terror of facing three mornings a week an Olympic size pool with a 15 foot deep end, I did learn to swim. I was the only non-swimmer in a class of 50 guys. I couldn’t even dog paddle. But in the last week of class I had to dive into the deep end, tread water for 2 minutes, and then swim to the other end. I did all of it and that class of guys lined the pool and watched and applauded when I finished and stood up out of the shallow end. I ...
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