There is a noisy chaos that surrounds most of us these days. It batters us into gutless submission and slavery to thoughts and deeds that do not reflect our human genius and do not require our unique gifts, our innate potential for goodness, or the resources of our souls. Instead it touches something grim within us, something sinister and hostile. We have lost our common dignity. We no longer know the power of silence and restraint. We live our lives without an inner volume control. We live in loud, rude behavior, disregarding the space, the presence and the specialness of others. I am so weary of the meanness of our politics, of the belittling of the Office of the President, of the selfish arrogance of our politicians. I am tired of their ineptness, their frivolous disregard for their work. I deplore how smug they have become, how isolated they are from the real problems and the real people of our nation. I am appalled by the shal...
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