world of children is a place of wonder and enchantment. It is also a place of sweet innocence and the
testing of things unknown and scary.
is almost 10 now, only a couple of weeks away.
We are into our summer swimming routine at the White Rock Y. The pool is crystal clear and it’s never
crowded when we are there, which is usually right around noon on
Saturdays. Sometimes we go on Sundays,
too, same time and hardly anyone is there.
Most families don’t start to arrive until later in the afternoon. We like the privacy even if it is hot, which
is what summer is supposed to be anyway.
Besides, we put on plenty of sunscreen.
has steadily learned to swim effortlessly and with great joy. I put her in classes when she was 2, 3, 4 and
5. But she really never liked any of
them. The classes were often large and
there wasn’t a lot of attention given to any one child.
she was 6 she took private lessons, which helped build some of her confidence,
but the young college girl instructor at the Y was often distracted or in hurry
to get through or something, so Ingrid never quite got to where she wanted to
we finally just started working on our own.
Last summer she got her stroke down, learned to tread water, and
launched off into the deep end for the first time.
she is learning to dive, which is a little scary, but she is doing great with
it. What she really loves though is jumping
into the 9 ft deep end feet first trying to touch the bottom with her toes.
first time she tried it I swam out into the middle of the pool not far from the
edge. I told her I wanted to see this
great jump and catch all of it. But I
was really there on standby, there for support and secretly, in case she needed
me when she first jumped in, even though two lifeguards were only seconds away.
small body was going down a long way for her and I knew she might find that
harder and scarier than she thought.
Even Dads worry sometimes.
practiced it over and over but never could quite hit bottom. Then finally a couple of Saturdays ago she
made it and when it happened she came up staring at me in her goggles and screeching,
“Poppy! I did it!” She was so proud of herself but not nearly as
proud as I was. We high fived in the
deep end and in seconds she was jumping again.
thought of Lewis Carroll’s great line,
of the pure unclouded brow
dreaming eyes of wonder!”
simple achievements of children, those little moments of proving oneself and meeting what
seems like such an important challenge to them, are the beautiful times of
childhood that win our hearts and remind us how self esteem is birthed.
we are 9 or 90 the conviction that we are loved fills us with a sense that we
matter. We can face almost any
challenge, we can step off into the scary deeps, we can dig down and find our
courage, when we know we are loved.
cannot do more for our children than this.
we can give them a comfortable home, the latest things their age is wearing,
toys and computers and their own TV, an iPhone and private school and stuff
what breathes health into their developing psyches, what infuses them with
feelings of worth, what causes them to say I can do this—is nothing more than
our loving embraces, our trust in their divinity, our celebration of their
individuality, our joy in their presence.
we do this openly, honestly, caringly, consistently, they blossom into human
flowers and their beauty brings us to tears and gratitude and to a love we were
all meant to know.
2012 Timothy Moody
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