My friend
Jennifer Ables reminded me the other day that not all Republicans are bad. And
she is right. And the frustrations and anger I express on here toward
Republicans and the Tea Party is not directed at my friends like Jennifer. Not
at all. Although, as I said to her, I don’t really understand how some of my
friends can vote for and support Republicans since the party seems totally
controlled now by Tea Party extremists.
People like Ted Cruz who cynically uses and manipulates voters in order
to elevate himself. What has he done for America? I can't think of anything positive. He and his small but
noisy crowd of followers in Congress seemingly have no interest in serving our country or
helping make it better for all of our citizens. They appear to only care about playing
the game, beating their opponents, making lots of money, and doing everything
they can to smear President Obama and keep him from leading the country.
Now, after
weeks of holding the nation in limbo, hurting millions of employees, small
businesses, shop keepers, people on disability, Head Start children, and
others; after costing the economy $24 billion in lost revenue; and after creating
more hatred and division in the country, Ted Cruz said yesterday he won. He
won! He got 2 million people to sign a petition to repeal ObamaCare. That was
his proof. He shutdown the government. That was his trophy. So he got 2 million
measly votes out of a country of 267 million eligible voters, according to the
National Census Bureau, and he calls that his victory. He also got nearly $2 million in campaign funds. Votes and money and
power is all this man wants. If people can’t see that by now then they choose
to be blind to the truth.
Cruz, and minority leader in the Senate, Senator Mitch McConnell, both said
yesterday the fight is not over. They intend to continue to fight to repeal
ObamaCare. Seriously? Seriously? I mean, that is just stunning. You may
disagree with this, but I don’t see how, but I will say it anyway: behind this
insane fight to get rid of the constitutionally sanctioned law that is the
Affordable Care Act, is a sneering, depraved, psychologically sick hatred for
this president. And I believe that hatred is fueled by seething racism. Cruz
and McConnell might not be racists. You as a Republican might not be racist.
But I am convinced the people Cruz and McConnell are afraid of, the voters who
they and the Tea Party now represent, are racist. They refuse to legitimize an
African American president. They have never accepted the defeat by the Union in
the Civil War. They remain bitter, angry people, afraid of change. They are
terrified by an expanding nation of rights—Civil Rights, Gay Rights, Equal
Rights. They may be hard working people. They may go to church every Sunday.
They may say they love Jesus Christ. But in their hearts they refuse to accept
people of color, especially blacks. And this president scares them not because
of his policies. ObamaCare is just an excuse to sling hate and venom at a man
they despise simply because he is African American. And people like Ted Cruz
see this, they understand it, they don’t necessarily agree with it because
they’re too smart to be that bigoted. But they flame the fires of hate in people
against the president by telling them how dangerous he is, how he wants to
destroy America, how he is a socialist and a Muslim, and the rest of that
nonsense that stirs up these racist people afraid of blacks and change and
Why keep
fighting this battle over ObamaCare? Why? Why refuse to accept our president?
Why be willing to sacrifice the unity and goodwill and strength of the country
in order to obstruct the law, divide the nation, damage the economy, harm our
influence in the world, and hamstring the processes of government? What is
motivating that kind of inexcusable recklessness? What? There is something
behind it. Open racism. Galloping fear. Entrenched ignorance. Poisonous hate.
And vicious unconscionable greed.
If we do
not get a grip on this and begin to get back to a healthy, cooperative,
respectful approach to government; if we don’t start electing responsible,
emotionally stable people, people actually qualified to govern, people who genuinely want to serve and help the nation advance, then America will
without question decline, fall into ruin, and become a disjointed, angry,
violent conglomerate of people consumed by their fears and lost in their hate.
And the rest of the world will move on having seen what happened to us and
decide to not let it happen to them.
© 2013
Timothy Moody
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