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Is The Light Going Out of Us?

How did we lose the fundamental joy of the human spirit? How did we come to be so distrusting of one another? How did we learn to give in to such appalling responses to our differences?

There is a beautiful stanza in one of poet laureate Billy Collins’ poems that says:
“It seems only yesterday I used to believe
there was nothing under my skin but light.
If you cut me I could shine.”

Today, though, there is this:
Hateful, spiteful, ruinous politics.
Superficial, sanctimonious, greedy, judgmental religion.
U.S. drones that roam the world killing terrorists, yes, but far too many of the innocent.
Spying on everyone by our fear soaked, paranoid government.
Indifference to poverty, to domestic violence, to abandoned children, to the needs of the old.
Making a mockery of our educational system by defunding its deepest budgetary needs.
Cops—impulsively mean, brutal and lawless, out of control.
Old time bigotry dressed up in patriotic garb.
Health care for all hysterically scorned, fiercely fought; endless attempts to defeat its survival.
Rank, unbridled hatred for our president combined with no attempt to accept his leadership.

Yes, goodness still exists. Across the scorched landscape there are flickering embers of decency. But I sometimes feel today, all of the light is going out of us.

© Timothy Moody


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