I have once
again subjected myself to tedium and irrelevance by watching Meet the Press.
Chuck Todd, the host, grilled the Mayor of Baltimore. Grilled her over and over
about protestors, people in the streets who rioted and looted. But he has no
grilling for the police. He showed a clip of Baltimore’s police commissioner saying
the six police officers charged with crimes against Freddie Gray did nothing
wrong. Really? The man committed no crime. He was in possession of a legal
knife folded and in a holster not a switchblade as the police and the media
announced. He asked for medical help right after he was handcuffed. They drove
him all over Baltimore banging around in the back of a van with his hands and
feet shackled. He asked over and over while in the van for medial help and was denied it each time. He lost
consciousness in the van. He went into a coma at the hospital and died. But the police did nothing wrong?
What happened
in Baltimore is not about black poverty. It’s not about criminal gangs running
the streets. It’s not about single parent homes. It is about institutional
racism. It’s about the police in this country who believe they are above the
law. It’s about authoritarianism. It’s about a mindset in the nation now that
says authority, the police, are without fault no matter what they do to people,
especially to minorities, most especially to blacks, even if they beat them to
death, break their spine, or shoot them in the back.
This country
has some sort of military fixation that says we are at war with minorities.
They are enemies. And it’s perfectly fine in war to do whatever you want to these
people because they do not matter.
Chuck Todd and
his kind perpetuate this stuff by blabbering on and on about poverty and
looting and what in the world are we going to do about all of this crime? You
know what? Have some courage. Show you are an intelligent person. Call in the
police commissioner and ask him why his officers are killing people. Why they
brutalize and harass and lock up blacks for petty offenses or just make up
stuff in order to arrest them. Quit hiding behind your
white privilege and fear that if you ask any hard questions of the police you’ll
get in trouble with your sponsors and the big shot white men who run your show.
When are we
going to actually grow up as a nation, actually be the moral and model country
we keep saying we are, and stop treating minorities, especially black people,
like they have no worth at all?
When, for God’s
sake, will we do that?
© 2015 Timothy
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