Blessed are those
who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be filled.
Collins’ bestselling novels and now movies, “The Hunger Games,” are set in a dark
future following the moral and economic destruction of North America. Survivors
comprise the wealthy and the poor and the vast distance between them. The
wealthy class hunger for entertainment and have devised a cruel form of it requiring
games of death. “Tributes” are selected in a national lottery, mostly poor
teens, who are pitted against other teens in dangerous settings that eventually
allow only one surviving winner. The rest are killed off by each other one by
one. The poor class of course sees no humor or entertainment in these games and
hunger instead for survival, for justice, for some way to end the madness. It’s
a world of twisted values and wasted living. There are, however, parallels to this
and the words of Jesus. There have always been those who crave wealth and
power, who tolerate mindless violence, who are amused by the mistreatment of
others. Character, compassion, fairness, human kindness, means little or
nothing to them. Winning. Accumulating. Consuming. Using. Those are the forces
that drive them. And then there have always been people who love, who play
fair, who follow a normal system of laws and regulations and work to make life
better for themselves and others. So, hunger and thirst are created by want and
need. We have to decide what we really want from ourselves and for ourselves. What
is our deepest hunger? Is it money? Expensive things? Affluence? Power over
others? Control? Or is it something more accountable than that? Righteousness
is not prudishness, not sanctimonious talk, and not religious posturing.
Righteousness has to do with responsible living. Justice. Equality. Caring for
others. Feeling the hurts of anyone mistreated, abused, or devalued and then
doing something to relieve their pain. I think of displaced immigrants.
Vilified minorities. Hated transgenders. Abused children. Women struggling with
abortion. People caught in addictions. Righteousness means being a decent human
being. It means humane living. It is feeling the ache and the suffering of
someone else. It is lifting up the oppressed and fighting for the terrorized. Anyone
hungering for that gets filled. ~ TM
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