I saw a child in a grocery basket
Singing in the produce section
And I smiled at the cheerfulness
Of children.
I saw a white crane perched on a dead tree
At peace in a pond at the golf course
And I wanted to stand with it
In the sunshine.
I saw an old man with a cane
Hunched over and walking wearily
And I thought how nice if I could
Carry him to his destination.
I saw a woman sitting at the bus stop
In the cold, her face covered with a scarf
And I thought how selfish when I complain
My car heater takes so long to get warm.
I saw a couple kissing in the parking lot
With shopping bags resting beside them
And I reveled in how love often ignores
Its surroundings and blooms fearlessly.
I saw teens volunteering at an SPCA stand
Outside the mall, warmly holding and petting
Dogs and cats and chatting with customers
And I thought we don’t give teens enough credit.
I saw the sun setting gloriously as I left work
The colors stunning and mysterious
And I considered how lovely the world is
In the dwindling light of the day.
© 2017 Timothy Moody
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