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And America Healed

And the day came when the reign ended, wiping away all our sadness, our sins, our sullen moods, and we felt the darkness lift. 

We saw others, not as objects, not as enemies, not as opposites, but people, human beings with dreams in their hearts and love in their eyes. 

We felt again. We listened. We understood. And it was no longer a battle to live together. The bitterness we had eaten, like rotten fruit that spoiled inside us, we wanted no more. 

The mean words, the nasty names, the harsh thoughts, waned in weakness and gave way to something stronger, something solidly kind, something sane, level-headed, and curative. 

We laughed again. Stout, robust laughter that made us throw our heads back and suck deep breaths of hilarity until our jaws hurt and tears rolled down our faces. 

Our eyes, blurred by the strain of prejudice, anger, resentment, and the stubbornness of our cemented opinions and beliefs, were opened and cleared and we were dazzled by what we saw. 

Our government was no longer locked in vicious partisanship and repulsive deal-making. Our politicians, still human, were now authentically responsive to citizen needs and the unity of the nation. 

Our churches stopped being hotbeds of political propaganda and money-making schemes that betrayed the Christ they claimed, but instead became soup kitchens again and clothing distribution centers for the poor and provided social justice programs for the broken and hurting. They were places of reverent worship and no longer elaborate stages for artificial entertainment. 

Our public schools were celebrated, and students were affirmed. Teachers were treated as professionals and rewarded with high pay. The buildings were modern and fully equipped with state-of-the-art resources. Faculty no longer had to buy their own supplies. And classrooms were hubs of learning where kids loved to be. 

Our clinics and hospitals were led by the latest science and professional protocols. Our physicians were highly skilled, uncompromising, and compassionate. And Covid-19 dwindled and disappeared. 

And the reign of terror ended. America healed. And we all lived well and prospered. 

© 2020 Timothy Moody


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